Directions |
DIRECTIONS to Kingsport:
From Baltimore and points North: Take 695 (Baltimore beltway) to 97S. Take 97S until it ends. Follow signs for 50E. Take 665E (Exit 22, Aris T. Allen Boulevard). 665E turns into Forest Drive at first stoplight Immediately pass a Safeway (on right side). Take first right past Safeway (no light) onto Greenbriar Lane. Remain on Greenbriar until you reach Kingsport entrance.
From Washington and points West: Take 495 (DC Beltway) to 50E. Take 50E to 665E (Exit 22, Aris T. Allen Blvd). Continue as above from 665E.
From Eastern Shore and points East: Take 50W to 665E (Exit 22, Aris T. Allen Blvd). Continue as above from 665E.
From points South: Take 2N (Solomons Island Rd) to 665E (Aris T. Allen Blvd). Continue as above from 665E.